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Project on International Collaboration for Innovation in the Circular Economy Industry

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many border restrictions remain in place and foreign experts and scholars are unable to travel. In light of these circumstances, it was agreed that projects related to the attendance of 2020 OECD circular economy events would be canceled due to pandemic travel restrictions, that the 2020 Taiwan-EU Circular Economy of Construction Industry Seminar and Matchmaking event (Taiwan) renamed the Taiwan Circular Economy of Construction Industry Seminar, Matchmaking, and Site Visit event and would be combined with the 2nd Taiwan Circular Economy Week (Taiwan). The event was concluded successfully in October 2020. This project also gave an overview of Taiwan's circular economy, including the achievements and responsibilities of various ministries and non-governmental organizations, compared different regulations in Taiwan and discussed how the regulations may cause impediments or obstruction, and then, by compiling the efforts of other countries and organizations on circular economy, divided into such topics as plastic, construction, agriculture, carbon emission, renewable energy, electronic waste, resource sharing, mining, and water recycling, we set out possible areas of cooperation on circular economy regulations and practices between Taiwan and other countries for the EPA's reference. This project also assisted the EPA in assembling, analyzing, and compiling the results of bilateral circular economy exchanges with the EU, France, Finland, Italy, Turkey, and Israel. Moreover, the project also put together the latest developments on the topic of circular economy within the UNEP, APEC, WCEF, and the OECD and provided strategy suggestions to the EPA on its efforts to promote circular economy in the future.
Circular economy, Plastic circular economy, Circular construction, Circular agriculture, Solid recovered fuel, International cooperation